
Five benefits of spending time outdoors

4 min read


Here are five reasons to spend more time outdoors. 

If you spend most of your time in an office environment, you might find yourself wondering if you should be spending more time outside.

Chances are you probably should be!

Studies have shown that most people don’t spend enough time outside – especially if you work in front of a computer screen.

Unfortunately, spending too much time inside isn’t actually good for us.

Our bodies need natural environments to properly function – so much so that there are actually psychological and physiological benefits to being outdoors.

Don’t worry – you don’t need to quit your cushy office job. Going for the occasional hike will work wonders, and you’ll be noticing the benefits in no time.

Five benefits of spending time outdoors - Spending time outdoors has a range of benefits, Australian Outdoor Living.
Spending time outdoors has a range of benefits.

1. Say goodbye to mental fatigue

We’ve all experienced it – the fuzzy feeling behind your eyes at three in the afternoon.

It makes it hard to focus, meaning you can’t get as much work done as you’d like to.

Studies have shown that people’s mental energy drastically improves when they are exposed to the great outdoors.

Natural beauty often leaves people in awe, giving them the mental boost they need to go about their lives.

2. Being outdoors improves your mood

Making the effort to get active outdoors can have an incredibly positive effect on your mental health.

Combining exercise with the great outdoors can result in a massive improvement in mood and self-esteem, especially when water is involved.

Heading to the beach with the dog or taking the time to swim a few laps of your local outdoor swimming pool are both great options, or you can simply go for a walk near a river or creek.

Five benefits of spending time outdoors - Feeling down? Try going for a walk on the beach, Australian Outdoor Living.
Feeling down? Try going for a walk on the beach.

3. The great outdoors will help you relax

Do you feel you need to de-stress? Head outside!

Going camping for just two nights can significantly reduce stress in the body, leaving you relaxed and ready to face the coming week at work. IF you’re not all that keen on the wilderness,  a simple backyard camping trip can have the same effect. 

Even a simple view of nature out of the office window has been shown to reduce stress and raise job satisfaction, so it might be a good idea to convince your boss to let you sit near a window!

4. Are you forgetful?

Nature walks can potentially improve your short-term memory!

Studies have shown that people who regularly experience nature perform 20 per cent better on memory tests than those who don’t.

It’s also been proven that getting outside in a forest environment is better than simply going for a walk around city block.

5. Feeling the pressure?

Since being outdoors is often associated with exercise, it should come as no surprise that it can have a positive effect on your blood pressure as well.

A study in Japan showed that a short walk in the forest can lower the average pulse by four per cent and blood pressure by just over two per cent.

Five benefits of spending time outdoors - Getting away for the weekend with your best friend can significantly improve your mental health, Australian Outdoor Living.
Getting away for the weekend with your best friend can significantly improve your mental health.

There are many more benefits to spending time outdoors – far too many to list in this article.

The best way to experience it is to make the effort to head outside. Even a couple of hours a week spent in the great outdoors are better than nothing!

You don’t even have to leave your property to enjoy the great outdoors. Creating an enclosed space in your very own backyard can help you enjoy all the same physiological effects as going for a nature hike or going to beach.

Read here for tips on how you can attract wildlife to your backyard.

Australian Outdoor Living is passionate about helping people love their life outdoors. We offer a range of products, including:

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